How to Cook Yummy Sirap Selasih Rambutan

Sirap Selasih Rambutan.

Sirap Selasih Rambutan You can cook Sirap Selasih Rambutan using 6 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sirap Selasih Rambutan

  1. You need of air.
  2. You need of sirap ros (boleh kurang jika tidak suka manis).
  3. Prepare of selasih (rendam).
  4. Prepare of rambutan yg telah dihiris.
  5. Prepare of air rambutan.
  6. It's of mangkuk ais.

Sirap Selasih Rambutan instructions

  1. Kopek dan potong buah rambutan. Masukan air rendam semalam.
  2. Sediakan dan campurkan semua kedalam jag. Sedia dihidang.

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