Recipe: Delicious Kopi Susu Panas

Kopi Susu Panas.

Kopi Susu Panas You can cook Kopi Susu Panas using 3 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Kopi Susu Panas

  1. You need of sachet Kopi Kapal Api White Coffee.
  2. Prepare of air panas.
  3. You need of susu full cream.

Kopi Susu Panas instructions

  1. Masukkan serbuk kopi ke dalam cawan berisi air panas. Kacau sebati..
  2. Masukkan sush full cream. Kacau sebati. Sedia untuk dihidangkan. Selamat mencuba 😋.

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