Recipe: Delicious Cekodok Pisang

Cekodok Pisang. Cekodok Pisang is sometimes referred to as kuih kodok, cucur and jemput-jemput. Cekodok pisang is one of the many types of kuih in Malaysia. It is made using overripe bananas for its natural sweetness.

Cekodok Pisang Simply put, they are fried banana balls deep fried in oil. I remembered how often my mother used to make them when we were kids. With a nice crisp on the outside and fluffy in the inside. You can cook Cekodok Pisang using 6 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Cekodok Pisang

  1. Prepare 8 of biji pisang dilenyek.
  2. You need 1 cawan of tepung gandum.
  3. It's 1 of sudu kecil garam.
  4. You need 5 of sudu besar gula perang.
  5. It's 1 of sudu besar tepung beras.
  6. It's 1 of sudu kecil yis mauripan.

Cekodok Pisang (Fried Banana Balls) is a traditional Malay fritter snack in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore that is made from flour and then fried. They are usually round in shape and vary in sizes. There are many other varieties other than bananas, such as anchovies, corn, onions or shrimps. It's something that I had a lot.

Cekodok Pisang instructions

  1. Lenyekkan pisang di dalam bekas. Campurkan semua bahan dan kacau sebati..
  2. Kemudian panaskan minyak di dalam kuali. Jemput adunan menggunakan hujung jari dan goreng cekodok sehingga bertukar warna menjadi coklat kehitaman. Angkat dan toskan minyak. Siap untuk di hidang..

I mean A LOT when I was a kid. While, one because my dad usually will buy a ripe banana and the next day it's super ripe, so we just have Cekodok Pisang (Kuih Jemput Jemput) - Ang Moh Cooks Malaysian A snack sold at roadside hawker stalls throughout Malaysia, Cekodok at it's simplest is a traditional fritter which can be made with a variety of ingredients. The perfect cekodok pisang is almost black as sin and crispy on the outside, with a warm, gooey centre. The 'skin' is bitter-sweet, complimenting the flavour of the mushy ripe bananas it envelopes. The first easy cekodok recipe I got off this SAYS story.

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