Bandung soda . An easy-to-prepare beverage that consists of only four ingredients, this refre…
Baca lagiAvocado smoothie . Adding avocado to a smoothie might sound strange, but you'll be surpri…
Baca lagiAyam Masak Merah . You can cook Ayam Masak Merah using 10 ingredients and 4 step…
Baca lagiRoti Sandwich . Make an interesting Sandwich with all leftover food in ur Fridge and roti. Re…
Baca lagiBubur Ayam Mixed Vegetables . You can have Bubur Ayam Mixed Vegetables using 15 …
Baca lagiNugget Ayam Cendawan . You can have Nugget Ayam Cendawan using 12 ingredients an…
Baca lagiRibena susu ala vitagen . Tepung Ayam Goreng spicy ala McD. A wide variety of ribena options …
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