Recipe: Tasty Mocha Peppermint Ice Blended

Mocha Peppermint Ice Blended.

Mocha Peppermint Ice Blended You can cook Mocha Peppermint Ice Blended using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Mocha Peppermint Ice Blended

  1. You need of paket Mocha Peppermint Delica.
  2. You need of kiub ais.
  3. It's of kecil susu UHT atau susu segar.
  4. Prepare of Whipping cream.
  5. You need of serbuk Mocha Peppermint.
  6. You need of pudina.

Mocha Peppermint Ice Blended step by step

  1. Masukkan kiub ais di dalam mesin pengisar..
  2. Masukkan pula serbuk minuman Mocha Peppermint..
  3. Masukkan susu..
  4. Kisar sebati sehingga gebu..
  5. Paip whipping cream mengikut kreativiti, taburkan sedikit serbuk Mocha Peppermint tadi dan hiaskan dengan daun pudina. Sedia untuk dinikmati..

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